How to Sell Like the Fortune 500 at a Fraction of the Cost

How to Sell Like the Fortune 500 at a Fraction of the Cost

The traditional sales set up can seem outdated or antiquated. The process, the characters, and the modus operandi look the same. At times, there’s some innovation added to the milieu, but often, the fixtures and pointers used in this endeavor may seem banal.

If you draw a parallel to the sales function of a small company, they always aspire to sell like larger companies and enter the space of a Fortune 500 company. However, they often cannot justify expenditures because of a lack of original funds.

No matter how hard you try to replicate the sales model of a big company, it will take a humongous amount of effort and support from the staff as they deal with large numbers and robust devices that handle data. A dire need arises to do everything to increase sales, but on a shoestring budget. To increase the efficiency of your business, you need an automation tool. When you are handling huge chunks of data and finding it difficult to analyze and segregate them, nothing comes to your rescue more than a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool.

How to sell like the Fortune 500

Once you realize the helpfulness of using an automation tool, the next question is what type of CRM suits your business in a better way and takes productivity to a next level. It may not be necessary to implement a costly version, but rather, discover what fits your requirements by doing a proper evaluation of the software.

At the outset, list all the sales functions you want to accomplish with automation and how the CRM software can help you achieve your goals. With the available budgets, zero in on a CRM software that does most of the work for you. As a small business, your goal is to tie your sales and marketing activities together. So you need a tool that grows the interactions with existing and prospective customers, and the one that streamlines and measures your marketing tasks and workflows.

Now that you are clear with your objectives, it’s time to adopt an all-in-one CRM that caters to your sales and marketing needs and offers an integrated CRM and marketing automation platform. The benefits of having a unified approach to sales and marketing is that there will be consistent messaging and you can avoid all the data leaks that are inevitable when both the functions are alienated from each other. This also makes sales and marketing more transparent as one is aware of the activities of the other. Both the reps can track and monitor the interactions with prospects to plan and strategize their activities.

Another important function of any business with which it can’t do away with is service. After purchase every customer expects a great service from your business. You can hire reps who can handle calls and offer support when required. However, the process can turn out to be cumbersome and, at times, takes a whale of time to resolve queries. As an SMB, you can automate the process with a helpdesk. Every ticket that flows into the system is recorded and resolved in no time. That’s how your smart ticketing solution pans out.

Agile CRM is a first-of-its-kind automated tool with CRM, marketing automation and helpdesk integrated into one platform. The businesses need not spend time on understanding the complex software that requires a bit of coding and a big team to handle. They need not deploy three different software tools to automate their sales, marketing and service. The best option for them is to adopt Agile CRM’s all-in-one CRM that pushes their horizon and helps them sell and market like Fortune 500 at a fraction of cost.

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