Exit Intent Technology in Agile CRM

Everywhere you look these days, from keynote speeches at major inbound marketing conferences, to water-cooler chats at small startup incubators, people are talking about user engagement and new ways to combat exit intent, but too often these two ideas are presented as separate concepts. Agile CRM is a user-focused company with a user-focused product – we are persistently focused on helping you serve your own customers, clients and web visitors – and our exit intent technology is based around user engagement.

Exit Intent

What is exit intent? In the simplest terms, exit intent is when a user starts to browse away from a page, attempts to abandon a page on your site or an e-commerce shopping cart, or just moves their mouse to close a page (a landing or splash page, a blog post, etc.) before they’ve done anything on the page. Exit intent can arise when a user is about to complete a task such as a subscription or purchase, but gets distracted by another browser window or (gasp!) something offline. Agile CRM’s sophisticated exit intent technology provides a number of ways to combat exit intent and turn casual browsers into site subscribers, or disengaged customers into active users. Agile lets you set rules to trigger campaigns in response to mouse movements and past user behavior on your site or with your app, so that just at the moment when a user is about to abandon a page, you can automatically offer them a targeted message, survey or discount to attract and retain them.

Agile CRM’s exit intent technology applies to a number of different users and behavior patterns:

  • Known Users: Don’t waste time treating known users/repeat visitors like new or anonymous users! Agile CRM lets you automatically personalize our suite of exit intent technology, from web grabbers to emails.

Web Grabbers

  • New Visitors: Set up campaigns to target new visitors’ exit intent by focusing on their individual behavior (or lack of behavior) and the particular page/url which they landed on or spent the most time browsing.

New Visitors

Cart Abandonment

Yes, you can call exit intent technology automated customer acquisition, but if you do it right, making use of Agile CRM’s entire suite of marketing automation technology to turn exit intent into user engagement, what you’re really doing is automated customer engagement. After all, there’s not point in user acquisition if the customers quickly lose interest in your product or can’t find the information they need. Conversion rates are nothing without solid retention rates. Agile CRM’s exit intent technology is all about improving conversion performance, not just conversion rates, and Agile takes this idea one step further by offering a complete email and social media marketing integration. Plus, our web analytics let you see which leads came from exit intent triggers that you built in Agile CRM.

Exit Intent Web Analytics

Agile CRM also recommends analyzing user activity on all of your pages, especially landing or home pages, and making targeted adjustments. If you have a high bounce rate on a particular page but not on other pages, try doing a focus group or conducting a survey to see how you could make the page more concise and engaging. This is a natural way to combat exit intent, but one that small businesses sometimes resist.

What is exit intent? User confusion, user distraction, or user boredom. What is Agile CRM’s exit intent technology? User clarity, user retention, and user satisfaction.

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1 Comment

cart abandonment rate

about 11 years ago

What these users have displayed in a clear and conscious manner, is that they were interested in the product and then chose not to purchase it. Even if brands do not want to take this as an opportunity to learn more about their customers and ask them why they didn't purchase, the cart abandonment rate reveals users who were closer to buying than anyone a brand would target with traditional advertising.


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