Marketing Automation for Better Referral Follow-up

A referral adds a lot of value and loyalty to your brand. Many brands thrive on the growth of referrals and ensure that the process is ingrained in their brand culture. They bring more traction to the brand and work for improved customer retention. A referral program is a win-win situation for both the company and the customer. This also cuts down your cost of acquiring new customers.

Brands have seen an exponential growth by embracing a referral program compared to the conventional method of cold calling. Also, put on your thinking cap to understand how much time and money you can save with a well-etched referral program. Here’s how Agile CRM makes customers as their biggest brand ambassadors.

The two instantly striking ways are word-of-mouth and automation process that can reach out to your customers easily. The highly valuable and one of the best marketing strategies—word-of-mouth—requires more effort and time. On the other side, marketing automation can prove costly but offers more pragmatic ways to ease off the burden from your sales reps. The two ways coexist and complement each other.


The word-of-mouth referral is a time-tested method of getting more customers to any business. Most of the customers can vouch for the same as they experience a product when referred by someone they know. With a dose of technology added to this little wonder, businesses can set up a seamless flow of growing referrals.

[bctt tweet=”The two instantly striking ways for referrals are word-of-mouth and marketing automation.” username=”agilecrm”]

Now social media has made its presence by taking referral marketing up by many notches with happy customers spreading the love about a brand on their social channels. Every happy customer of Agile CRM shares his/her love to the product by penning a testimonial with the hashtag #AgileLove on Facebook and Twitter.

WOM referrals may seem to be a little old-fashioned but the automation can make them more modern and in sync with times. Many brands see marketing automation as a great resource because it can get them qualified leads.


Marketing Automation software primarily enhances your marketing activities by making them more focused and effective across email, social media and various other channels. It can generate leads based on your prospect’s behavior, website visits and drive the targeted content at them. This meaningful content generates more conversations out of your target group and spreads a word about your brand. When coupled with a good feedback from your customers, it can have a big positive impact on buyer’s purchase decision.

The automation software can also tell who the top campaigners are. This also helps you spend more time on people who are interested in getting potential buyers and customers. Rather than a generic email blast, you can switch to more targeted emails to your contact list, who evinced an interest at some point in time.

On top of that, marketing automation paves a way to create campaigns with reward points to encourage more referrals. Most of the customers like to receive an extra buck for sharing good words about your brand to their friends.


You should have well-defined goals for your follow-up plan. The time invested in following up with prospects can result in increased sales or referrals.

It requires some creative thinking to move your marketing automation away from running in an autopilot mode. The customer engagement levels have to be on a high note creating a more personalized experience.

All this is possible with an effective use of Marketing Automation software for better referrals and follow-up.

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1 Comment

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about 9 years ago

it`s a good post


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