New Filters for Deals and Events

We know that your calendars have been filling up especially quickly thanks to our new online appointment scheduling tool. We’ve been happy to hear that the feature, combined with our telephony integration and automated campaigns, has led to a dramatic increase in customers signing up for your sales meeting and product demos. And those demos have been leading to more closed deals. So, just a quick blog post today about two new filters in Agile: one for deals and one for events. We’re here to help you stay focused.

Deal Filters in Agile CRM

The new filters are included with all accounts, even free CRM accounts. You’ll find the filters on the upper right after selecting ‘Deals’ or ‘Calendar’ from the top menu bar in your Agile dashboard.

  • Deals can now be sorted by owner & value. You can search for a particular value or a range of values (eg. between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000).

Deal Filters in Agile CRM

  • Events can be sorted by owner & type. Event type is usually the calendar to which the event belongs (Agile, Google, Other). Remember that you can also choose to view the calendar by month, week or day.

Event Filters in Agile CRM

We hope these new filters will keep you on track during the busy holiday season. Drop us a line anytime and let us know how they’re working for you.

PS. We’ve also cleaned up the Contacts filter letting you filter/sort by date created, lead score and more. Check it out from the ‘Contacts’ tab in the menu bar.

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